Our customers wanted to work smarter, but just didn’t know where to start?

No matter the size of your business, you need to operate efficiently to be profitable. That starts with understanding the end to end flow of activities, we facilitate a workshop to make sure all parties involved know how their actions impact the customer and the team around them.  This takes less than a day from your teams time, but can gain so much in return.

We will document what you’re doing today and recommend what you need to change tomorrow – all fed back in a digestible report to give you ways to be more efficient and boost bottom line.

Meet teams

Together we will discover what they’re doing, how and when to understand what’s really going on and how departments interact, removing silo working.  Not only will your team then work together more efficiently, we’ll reduce the risk you’ll lose knowledge and skills if staff members are absent or leave the business.

Understand systems

It’s crucial to find out what your systems are doing today and what their capabilities are. We can then see where you’re missing opportunities to be more efficient and identify ways to streamline and automate processes.

ESG & Waste

From shop floors to back offices,  ESG should be front of everyone’s mind,  incorrect waste management has a big impact on your overheads and the global environment.  We’ll discover where poor processes mean you’re spending a money storing unnecessary data or getting rid of waste.   Then support you to improve your carbon footprint and your cashflow.

Roles & Responsibilities

Duplicating tasks is a huge way that your business is spending extra time and money unnecessarily. We’ll help you define roles and responsibilities, make sure everyone knows what they need to be doing – and how and when – to streamline processes give both customers and team members a consistent experience.

Next Steps

You’re off to a great start if you already document your processes, whether in person or on paper. Yet when you’re looking at things inside-out, it’s easy to miss ways you can be more efficient. We’ll review what you do and make recommendations, from tweaks and techniques to adding new scalable processes or overhauling old ones – improving company results.

Is this right for us?

At Propolis, we work with companies committed to reducing costs and gaining the competitive advantage, no matter what size you are. We’ll step in and show you what to do to tackle increased overheads with a processes built around customer experience & cost effectiveness.